More Photos from Duffy’s New Greeting Spot in Tokyo Disney Sea :)
If you’re looking for more Photo’s of Duffy’s New Greeting Spot, well Duffy’s Closet has a whole slew of them 🙂 here’s a preview:
If you’re curious about what I think of each, well…
I really love how they did it, even more so with so many pictures to look at. If I ever made a room for my Duffy (and I’ve thought about it! A Cute diorama-esque room out of a box :D), it’d definitely have a lot of these elements like foreign postcards and stamps and I just think it’s really cool. I don’t know if they’re correct (After all, you’ll notice there’s still some errors with English, most is quite good though!), but I love how much effort they put into it that it really doesn’t matter. Seeing all the pictures is just so awesome and really kind of amplifies the “Duffy travels the world”, something I still really hope to do. It also makes me want to go to the actual Cape Cod, even if my family has said they’re never going again 😛
I think what would be really cool is if someone could translate the post cards though. I’d honestly love to know what they say. I think that’d be a fun project too–DUFFY LOVERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, THE POSTCARD PROJECT.
I can translate the English ones 😀 *bricked* Okay, so I wouldn’t be much help 🙁 But I know people! …who I’m too shy to ask. Umm… well, it’d still be a fun project. And I can at least help with some of the harder to read ones 🙂
Now, don’t worry, there aren’t just post cards (though they are amazing and make me squee). There are also many other trinkets and things (also stuff I totally would’ve put in my Duffy’s house). Like ribbons for the “Annual Village Picnic & Games”–I wonder if that will be made into an actual thing you can enter with your Duffy? Wouldn’t that be neat?
Then we have more old pictures with captions which I enjoy a lot 🙂 I just like the effort put in.
And an actual banner for the Annual Village Picnic & Games! I reinforce my statement of it being made into an actual thing. Then silly Duffy pictures because I’m sure with all that traveling, being silly is still a nice break 🙂 And that Duffy Snowman = adorable.
Just the effort in the pictures though, dear god. There’s a few options as to how:
Took a recent photo with a green screen and photoshopped effect.
Photoshopped a Duffy into older pictures.
Actually went places and just gave it an older effect.
Regardless, the result is beautiful and really looks authentic. And it works considering the time period that area of Disney Sea is supposed to be in. Also, totally want to go and make a Duffy knot now.
And Duffy’s visitor’s book with all the characters? SO CUTE. I like…want a mini version of that for my Duffy to carry around. That is adorable. Autograph books for Duffy? Maybe? I’d be way too shy to ask them to sign my Duffy’s book, but it’d be super super cute.
Aww 🙂 Teddy Roosevelt signed. I actually have Abraham Lincoln’s autograph in one of my books. But yes, that is the cutest thing -ever-. What I find really cool though is they also went into where Duffy was from and not just where he’s been. And the Duffy hanging ornaments are adorable. So want to try making some.
And I love the shoes Miss Peabody made for Duffy! The outfit is cute too, but something about the shoes really grabs my attention. Mrs. Sydeburns’ Winter outfit for Duffy = adorable on so many levels. I really hope these costumes can be bought at some point.
We also see some new ribbons–the Friend’s of Duffy costume parade! Seriously, Duffy events? I really think they’d go well. All the outfits are fantastic though and I love the details. Mrs. Kinderhook’s is probably my favorite.
God, I love these photos. And I want some of the outfits people are wearing in them but that’s besides the point.
If you are ever in Tokyo Disney, be sure to get your own souvenir photo and take a look yourself! 🙂