Upcoming costume?

Well, it looks like Duffy is looking into being his own pilot for future adventures from this upcoming costume image recently posted on the Duffy Facebook Page:

With the costume preview from the Passholder event being almost complete (With the only ones not appearing in someway yet are Halloween and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice outfits), it’s nice to see they are making an effort to come out with other outfits too.

As for whether this will be a normal outfit or one for a 12 inch Duffy, there’s no info, but I’m leaning towards the former, considering most of the 12 inch ones are themed to holidays or special events and the only event I can think of is “First Flight”…but since Duffy is only sold in the parks, it’s very unlikely that a “First Flight” Duffy would come out, especially as many don’t need to take a plane there.

Regardless, I’m excited and looking forward to it’s release 🙂 I just hope it won’t be too long a wait!

Not only that, but our last entry has been updated with some more Paris Disney tidbits 🙂 so be sure to take a look.

2 Responses to “Upcoming costume?”

  1. Wanda says:

    If you search an aviator outfit, I found mine (fit between 12″ and 18″) on Ebay. If you want the name of the shop, I can mail it to you ^^

  2. […] previewed have now officially been made and are ready to go for sale. Not just that though, each preview outfit we’ve seen recently have as well! Including a few new […]

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